Dinocember continues! ...Barely! With Tammy and the T-Rex, or as it is known in this print "Tanny and the Teenage T-Rex." I have to say, I like the new name better. Rolls action movies off the tongue, and at no point in the movie does it sound (blog post) like they call Denise Richards "Tanny." She plays Tammy, and her boyfriend's brain gets put
Youtube film reviews are so much fun. Decker Schado, Adam Does Films, Jeremy Jahns, and many others are great reviews. They're all funny and make it sound like horror films are appealing. Decker Shado reviews I also love bad films - the weirder the better.Find similar sitesMovie Paradise TVFilms that will always be rememberedGrindhouse movies are a
Hellraiser 2022 review [Decker Shado]
Out now on Hulu, it's the latest Hellraiser movie! Boy, this series has been through the wringer, hasn't it? From Inferno, to Deader, Hellworld, Hellseeker, Revelations and Judgement it seems that the Hellraiser series is mostly about just throwing out a random horror movie, putting pins in someone's cranium and keeping the rights for at least
Star Wars Review
The king-daddy of science fiction media today.. sort of like Fallout 4 is the lord of post-apocalyptic RPGs, Star Wars needs no introduction. Thus, I'll just use this blurb to point out that until the early 80s, the film was just called "Star Wars" as "Episode IV: A New Hope" (blog post) wasn't tacked onto it just yet. That was but the first of
Star Wars Review
The king-daddy of science fiction media today.. sort of like Fallout 4 is the lord of post-apocalyptic RPGs, Star Wars needs no introduction. Thus, I'll just use this blurb to Star Wars Review point out that until the early 80s, the film was just called "Star Wars" as "Episode IV: A New Hope" wasn't tacked onto it just yet. That was but the fir